Pumpkin garland & a giveaway!!

Today is my day to participate in the Pick A Pumpkin blog hop sponsored by Creatin’ by the Sticks.   Thank you Carla for organizing another great blog event.  We were asked to make anything big or small provided it has a pumpkin.  While I often fret over what to sew, it always seems to work out in the end.  This time I got the spark of an idea from a little birthday gift. 

My hubby’s birthday was this past week.  The night before, after he had already gone to sleep, I decorated his bathroom mirror with a garland of paper elephants. He has a real love of elephants and has started a little collection of sculptures.  When I found this garland, made by a women’s collective in Nepal, I knew just what to do with it.  As you can see below, he woke up to a garland-festooned mirror and a sign wishing him a happy birthday. 



I cut the pumpkins freehand and this one is my favorite.  The leaves and stem actually look decent.

I thought it might be fun to make a garland with fabric pumpkins.  I used scraps of orange and green and dipped into my bag of interfacing scraps.  I ironed interfacing onto the backs of the fabric, then cut out pumpkin shapes and stems with leaves. Using a muted green colored thread, I sewed the stems and leaves onto the pumpkin bases.  Then I chain pieced the top sections of the pumpkins to string them together.  I could have left more room between the pumpkins for the garland to be sparse.  Given that I put mine up on an oval mirror, it worked just fine.  If you make a one for a mantle, to keep them from crowding, I recommend that you sew more thread between the actual images. 

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Fabric pumpkin garland. 

This simple garland could work with different shapes for any holiday or birthday.  I could easily picture hearts on Valentine’s Day or for an anniversary, snow men for winter etc… Another idea is to embroider a slogan or greeting onto the garland.  You could keep them long at the ends and add bells, pom-pom or tassels to jazz them up.  Such a simple project and it has many possibilities.  Give it a try when you want to use up some scraps.   Have fun…but keep reading for info on a giveaway.


The fabric garland taped up on my guest bathroom mirror. This could also be great on a window or mantle.  

So, about that giveaway.  I sometimes enjoy reading quilting magazines for information and inspiration.  The only problem is that I can’t seem to throw them out when I’m done with them.  They gather and stare at me on my coffee table.   I realized others may be happy to read them, therefore I have two giveaways planned!!  Post a comment here on my blog and tell me your favorite quilt style or pattern.  Two winners will get 3 fat quarters of fabric along with a stack of “gently used” magazines.  It gets even better because sometimes the magazines come with a gift like a template or little pattern book.  I’m going to send you one of those too, but it may or may not match the accompanying magazine.  It’s a win-win for us all.  I get to recycle some great publications and you get them to read them as if they’re brand new.  


Giveaway:  sample of possible magazines, gifts and fat quarters that two of you can win.

GIVEAWAY FOR TWO WINNERS:  Win a stack of 4 or so past issues each of quilting magazines plus 3 fat quarters & a “gift”.  The quilting magazines are in great condition and, to the best of my knowledge, have all pages intact.  On or before Monday, November 19, 2018, post a comment on my blog telling me your favorite quilt style or pattern.  This will help inform what sort of magazines I should pull for you from the stack.   Two of you can win some goodies.  

UPDATE: 11/22/18 HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all and congrats to Susan and Carol who won the giveaways.  The goodies are shipped and on the way to you both.  Stay tuned for further blog hops and more giveaways in the future.  

Check out more talented designers and pumpkin projects on the schedule below.  

Monday, November 5th
Tuesday, November 6th
Wednesday, November 7th
Thursday, November 8th
That Fabric Feeling  YOU ARE HERE


111 responses to “Pumpkin garland & a giveaway!!

  1. The blog and link on your comment on my blog don’t come here. They go to something called 3bunnyday and it says it’s deleted. I was confused! But I found you by going back to the hop link. Thank you so much for picking me! I sent an e-mail with my information, so I hope the e-mail in that comment was right. =)


    • I’m sorry. My tech skills definitely need improvement. Just having this blog is a major accomplishment for my non-techy brain! Glad you found me and congrats!!!


  2. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Pumpkins at the Palace | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats·

  3. The garlands are adorable. I love the birthday elephants. My daughter is Jamie Alison and her brother who is two years older used to call her Jamie Elephant and she had a large collection of elephants for a long time. So, naturally, I adore the elephants. The pumpkins look wonderful inside the oval gold mirror, too. As far as the giveaway, I like many styles of quilts – usually traditional. However, I like to stretch my boundaries so any type of magazine would be appreciated. Thanks for a great post and the chance to win the giveaway.


    • I had no idea that so many people love elephants. Once you notice them, you can’t stop finding them in all sorts of knick knacks. Thanks so much for stopping by. I do love the elephants on the mirror. I’m just not sure when they should come down.


  4. I like it all !! I lean a bit more towards traditional, but I have been venturing into modern lately. My favorite block is the log cabin.
    Your pumpkin garland is wonderful.
    Thank for sharing, and thanks for the chance at a fun giveaway.


    • I adore the log cabin also. I am now admiring all the pineapple block quilts and thinking about doing a variation of my own. I also think the log cabin is such a great place to begin quilting. Thanks for stopping by.


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