Hurricane Michael String Block Quilt Drive



By now we have all heard of the October 2018 devastation in Florida from the Category 5 Hurricane Michael.  This storm was the 3rd most intense to hit the U.S. since statistics have been kept!!  There are many other stats (and we won’t get into global warming or we’ll be here all day) explaining why it was one of the worst, but that’s neither here nor there.  Rescuers are still trying to dig out from under the rubble and over 40 people are still missing. The survivors are in dire need of basics like food, shelter and clothing and money is what will help provide those things. Monetary donations are very needed to help the region.  Pick your favorite charity and give if you can.  There are many reputable charities like the Red Cross or but give elsewhere if you have a preference.  

In the quilt world, we have often responded to tragedies by making quilts for those affected.  I am aware of people sometimes trying to help in ways that are counterproductive.  In this case, when the dust settles and people begin to rebuild, it will be lovely to have homemade quilts on hand to give out.  It is this thinking which has Sharon and her Alabama church has taking on a quilt drive.  In 2011, Sharon’s family survived a horrible Alabama tornado.  She knows first hand what it’s like to experience nature’s devastation.  The quilts won’t go out for months, as people in the area are still in triage.  However, we can all help get things started for when the time is right for a warm, lovely and therapeutic quilt distribution.  


The Alabama church is asking for 10.5″ unfinished string quilt blocks in any colors you wish.  Multicolored blocks are fine of course.  Quilters on the other end will sew the blocks into quilts, but if you wish to donate an entire quilt or top, they will gladly take that as well.  If you’re like me, you have lots of string scraps lying around.  These go together quickly, are relaxing and make an easy way for helping others.  There are lots of string block tutorials online and this craftsy one is good, even if it’s a different size block.  Whatever tutorial you use, keep in mind to trim your block to 10.5″.  I like to cut up old worn out bed sheets into pieces 1/2″ larger than the final size needed.  In other words, cut your old sheets into 11″ squares.  I recommend well-starching the foundation squares at this point.  Then start adding your strips one by one and when all done, iron the block well and trim to 10.5″.  Beware, these string blocks are addictive, but all the better to help others.

Send your 10.5″ string blocks to:

UMW Quilting Group, Hurricane Quilt Drive, Aldersgate United Methodist Church,  6610 Vaughn Road,  Montgomery, Alabama 36116

I’ve made several blocks already and plan to keep going until I see the bottom of my scrap string box.  We shall see how that goes because they do seem to multiply rather than diminish.

Linking up:

To anywhere I can spread the word




54 responses to “Hurricane Michael String Block Quilt Drive

  1. Pingback: Charity Sewing Brain | That Fabric Feeling·

  2. Pingback: Strings holding us together | That Fabric Feeling·

  3. I somehow found my way to your page (via the Carolina Hurricane Quilt, I think) & wanted to ask about this charity quilt project. Are they still accepting blocks or tops or anything? I know it’s almost a year later but I’d assume things are still in a bit of a tumble in that part of the world. Any info you could give me would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanks in advance!


    • Rebecca, Are you asking about the Carolina Hurricane project? I don’t know about that at all. There is an ongoing Hurricane Michael project, if that’s what you mean. I have two contacts there and yes, they are accepting blocks, quilt tops or quilts of any size. They also welcome fabric donations as well. In addition, they are collecting children’s books to give out one each with each child’s quilt. I hope this helps. Also, there is now an ongoing effort to make quilts for the California fire victims. Unfortunately, there’s no end to the world’s tragedies and thus…we can always find a good cause for our handiwork. Happy Thanksgiving and if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


      • Yes, I was referring to the Hurricane Michael drive (I’m helping with the one in Carolina, too). Any info you can give me would be muchly appreciated. I have fabric, blocks, tops, the whole 9 yards! I’d be happy to help whoever & however would work. I love doing pro bono quilting & yes, you’re right… the need never ends. But as long as that’s the case, I’ll be happy to help out any way I can. Please email me with the specs or answer here or whatever works out best for you (just don’t tell my family how easy-to-get-along-with I’m being or they’ll expect me to act like that around the house, too… LOL!). Happy holidays, everyone!


      • Rebecca, I believe they are still accepting blocks. Let me reach out to Sharon and ask for you.


      • Rebecca, I asked and they will gladly still take blocks or tops, or even fabric donations. Feel free to send your stuff to the address on my link. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to reach out again. Thank you so much.


      • AWESOME! I’ll go thru my stash & see what all I can find. I really wnt to send some tops, but this time of year is so hectic! That’s why I wondered how long they’d be accepting stuff so I could send some now & then more as I got them done.


      • She said just now that they would appreciate tops more than blocks. However, if you’re sending blocks, let me know and maybe i’ll toss in some as well and we can complete most of a top between us.


      • She didn’t specify. I’m actually making some string blocks right now and it will prob be a kid quilt or a lap one. Do let me know if you need more blocks. Mine is all scraps and when i run out of the background, that’s the size it will be.


      • Hi (finally!)!

        No, I haven’t forgotten about you & this project nor am I dead (tho I was wondering there for a while). Long story short, we’ve been passing the flu around our house (over & over & over again) since before Christmas… ick! Year #2 that the flu shot didn’t seem to take with us. Ick! Y’know, not to whine (too much), but you forget how miserable the flu really is till you have it, don’t you? Anyway, while I was laying around, hacking & not getting any sewing done, I did think about this project & a couple of days ago I “shopped my stash” & found some really nice stuff (that I had totally forgotten I’d bought & it still doesn’t really ring a bell with me… does that ever happen to you?). I have some FQs & border/binding fabric — enough to make a queen, I think & also some FQs & border/binding for a twin. Is that OK still? I’d be happy to make the binding to go with both of the tops, too (I always just make mine binding when I do the top so the fabric doesn’t get away from me… or so I can buy more if I need it). I make mine 2.5″, straight of grain & I make PLENTY (having learned my lesson the hard way). I have some backing fabric, too. Is all that OK so far? If so, I’ll get started cutting today & have them to you ASAP.


        Liked by 1 person

      • Rebecca, I’m so sorry you’ve been so ill in your house. Wow! So glad you’re feeling better. Sharon is still my contact and they have asked for either complete quilts or quilt tops. Yes, if you aren’t planning to quilt the tops then if you can send a backing and binding, that’s an incredible help. In terms of size, they are giving only one quilt to each family so they prefer it to be a nice size. What that means exactly, is that they are not asking for kids quilts. I’m sure a twin, queen, large lap quilt would be most welcome. It sounds like you have some plans already for a design. Just have fun and know that the community has really appreciated all the effort being put in on their behalf. There are many families and the hope is to have another distribution of quilts in February. I’m sure some will trickle in after that as well. Best of luck and please use the address that I posted on the blog. The Aldersgate group will get your quilt wrapped and distributed. Thank you for everything.


      • I don’t know exact dates but if you want to reach sharon, private message me and I can give you her phone number. She would be the one to ask.


  4. One hundred and seventy-four blocks are coming your way from Memory Maker’s Quilt Guild in Jena, Louisiana. With love and prayers……


    • Ruth, you’re incredible! Thank you so much. They will be thrilled to have the donations!! XOXO Happy Thanksgiving.


  5. Pingback: Scrap Happy Hurricane Blocks – It's a T-Sweets day!·

  6. Pingback: WIP – Wednesday | My Sewful Retirement·

    • Charlene, that’s wonderful but can you ship it to the church? They would gladly use it and I would just want to send it to them anyways. Their address can be found on my blog post here. IF you want, I can alert them that it’s coming. Thank you so much.
      UMW Quilting Group- Hurricane Quilt Drive
      Aldersgate United Methodist Church,
      6610 Vaughn Road
      Montgomery, Alabama 36116


      • Sorry, for not being clear. I may buy and have them ship directly to you, meaning the church address. I am trying to decide how I can get the best bargain and shipping as I don’t own a vehicle…thanks for your time and may God Bless ALL of you!


      • Charlene, bless you. I am sure they will be grateful for any contribution you make. Have you checked at or or ? Those are all sites that run fairly reasonable. Thank you so much. Elana


      • I actually ordered from Marshall Dry Goods eBay store and am waiting on an invoice for combined shipping to pay ….15 yards for $15 and 15 yards for $22.50 + shipping. I have been buying from them for about 10 years. I see your email address, so once it is paid and shipment confirmed l can notify you! All in thanksgiving, God IS GREAT!


    • Linda, That’s fine. If you want to remove the paper go ahead. I have sometimes also sewn a straight stitch all around, very close to the edge, as another way to hold the strips down. Whatever you do they’ll be glad to work with your creations. Don’t sweat it! Thanks for asking but go with whatever is easiest for you.


  7. Pingback: Quilt Drive & Batting Samples | That Fabric Feeling·

    • Thanks. I’ll be putting an update out after they meet together on Monday. The new plan is to accept any quilt size or design, any blocks you wish. They want to give quilts to kids along with a book so they’re also collecting children’s books. I’m waiting for confirmation but that’s the latest thinking. So feel free to sew anything your heart desires.


    • Thanks so much. I’m not the organizer of the drive. Heavens…i could not handle that much fabric on my own. However, I am helping to make string blocks and they are rolling along. I think i’ve got 30 so far but more are on the way. I’m determined to use up lots of my strings that are overflowing on the floor right now.


    • Roseanne, Thanks so much. They are just getting started but I hope they’ll be inundated with blocks. The area was so hard hit that it will be years before some of them recover.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I usually sew my string blocks onto paper, I’m assuming after reading this that the blocks should be sewn onto a fabric square, or doesn’t it matter?


    • Donna, Good question. I think it’s easier to sew them onto fabric when it’s a quilt drive like this. The reason is that the strings will stretch once taken off the paper. In addition, we don’t want the volunteers spending time removing the paper when they could be doing more sewing. So yes, if you can make them on thin fabric, that’s best. I’m sure they could work around this but the ease of fabric makes it a much smoother process. I just used up my last old sheet so i’m thinking about getting some old sheets from friends perhaps. Thank you in advance if you plan to make blocks.


      • I have infant flannel someone gave me so I’m thrilled to get it into a quilt. I can do 2 or 3 but it will take a few weeks. Maybe even get some string squares done too. Thanks for sharing this with us.


      • That would be amazing. They are working quickly to get as many quilts made as possible. With such devastation, the drive can go on for quilt awhile. I have made some myself but will keep it going for as long as they’ll accept stuff. Please reach out if you have any questions and thank you in advance for even considering taking part.


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