Wish Upon A Star and a Giveaway

Wednesday the 23rd is my day for the Wish Upon A Star Blog hop graciously organized by Carol of Justletmequilt.com.  I have a giveaway that I’ll describe at the bottom.  First, let me just say thank you to Carol for the great ideas, the wonderful inspiration and the patience as we all work at our own pace…sometimes more slowly than we would like.  The assignment was simple: make a project that has a star somewhere in it.  Since I love a little wonky star, this quilt seemed like a perfect entry.

I showed you a peek at my Wonky Star Rainbow quilt in my previous blog post, and now I can show you the entire thing.  While it isn’t quilted yet, trust me, it is a miracle that all the piecing got done on time!

This quilt has 7 stars, one for each member of my family.  It started with my “wish” to use up my scrap jar of 2″ squares of fabric.  Using up scraps isn’t a realistic goal, as most of us realize!  There were many more blue squares, so that’s how I began sewing.  The quilt evolved little by little, without a plan and soon other colors began to show up, creating a rainbow wash effect.    This quilt was constructed by each square being precut, not in strips.  Though, I must be crazy, because…come to think of it, that would have been so much easier.  This quilt also wasn’t done by using the grid interfacing method.  I am crazy, because that is most definitely an easier way to go.   Yup, this was made by good ole’ fashioned piecework that uses up scraps from previous projects.  I love how it came out, despite the tediousness at times.  Yes, I did photograph it with my Iphone and it’s not ideal, but the sun wouldn’t come out and I was working without assistance and it was threatening to rain and… and…my “real” camera is missing a card….and well, enough excuses!   Finding a perfectly sunny day to photograph is sometimes difficult, but I promise to photograph the fully quilted quilt on the first sunny day available.


Wonky Star Rainbow quilt made entirely by scraps.  Do you like the border that matches the color scheme all around?  The seven stars represent each member of our family.

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I used up some beloved scraps, which bring a smile when I recall previous projects.  There are loads of memories in the many tidbits around the quilt.  Of course I included my most favorite fabrics like Tula Pink lady bugs, silly-chilly penguins, the Good Fortune line and lots more.   Another great plus is that I used up a final swatch of discontinued lime green Sweetwater fabric that goes back to when I began my quilt hobby!

There are many tutorials showing how to make wonky stars, and I looked at several of them.  If you’re not sure how to make this design, check out Wombat Quilts, who wrote a simple  Wonky Star quilt tutorial that I highly recommend.  You can vary the size of the squares, but if you’re asking my opinion, 2″ squares are a little too tedious.  If I were to make this quilt design again, I would recommend upping the size of the squares to 3 or 4 inches.   If not for this blog hop, the top would never have been completed!  I now can’t wait for some quiet time to begin the quilting.

Please check out the other blog posts from this wonderful blog hop.

star quilt block

May 21
May 22 – Today
May 23
That Fabric Feeling  YOU ARE HERE!!
May 24
May 25

Now for my giveaway, which I”ll call “Christmas in May” in homage of Carol’s next blog hop, Christmas in July.  See below for the giveaway details.


My “Christmas in May” giveaway is all stacked here and ready to mail.  For a separate photo and a detailed description, see the items pictured below.

The “Christmas in May” giveaway includes the following:

  • 1 yard of “Christmas Darlings” by Paula & Waffle for Dear Stella  fabrics
  • 9″ remnant of Tula Pink’s “Holiday Homies” in Pine Fresh green for Free Spirit fabrics
  • 14″ remnant of a plaid that’s red, black, grey and beige but feels as if it’s woven and would make a lovely scarf or scrap for a winter project (sorry don’t have selvage to help with the name.)
  • 5 piece fat quarter bundle from the “Hazel & Plum” collection, by Fig & Co. for Moda.

To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment on this blog post and tell me how you organize or precut your scraps or if you watched, what you thought of the recent Royal Wedding.  The deadline to enter is Monday, May 28th, 2018 at midnight (Eastern Standard time).  I will have one of my boys pick a number at random and that person will win the giveaway.  Please be sure there’s a way to reach you or I will need to skip and go to the next person.  If you’re like me and you do not celebrate Christmas, I will gladly swap those holiday fabrics out for something else, provided that you just mention it in your comment.

Linking to:

Wishuponastar,  Freemotionbytheriver,  MidweekmakersLetsbeesocial, Needleandthreadthursday, Thankgoodnessitsfinishedfriday, FinishedornotFriday,    Canigetawhoopwhoop, Oh Scrap, CrazyMomQuilts, 







146 responses to “Wish Upon A Star and a Giveaway

  1. I love your quilt! I keep thinking about doing a wonky stars quilt for a grandson. I do try to sort my scraps by color but they tend to get mixed up a bit. The royal wedding was lovely to watch especially seeing the chapel.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Teri, Your grandson would be a lucky guy to get that quilt from you. Start it while he’s small. The wedding venue was certainly not small, but it was beautiful. As intimate a ceremony as one could have in such a vast space.


  2. Beautiful quilt!! I love the fact that it came all from scraps. My scrap organization is a work of disorganization. I have a few bins with strips separated out in different widths but mostly they get piled up in the corner of my cutting table and then fall onto the floor every now and then for a good mixing. Tu-Na Helper and myself watched 7 hours of recorded Royal wedding which produced a lot of talking about the same thing over and over. I found it fanciful and fun but disappointed that so much attention was placed as to what designer someone was wearing. I guess there’s no wonder that I wasn’t invited to the wedding since I would have gone in capris from the local Goodwill and my favorite Birkenstocks. I loved seeing the hats. It would be fun to wear fancy hats but I’m not sure it would have looked good with the capris.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think you would have rocked that hat with your capris just perfectly. I’m sure FOR THE RIGHT PRICE$$, Phillip Treacy would gladly design you an incredible quilt-inspired hat that would knock everyone’s socks off! Can you just imagine the creative possibilities for a quilt-themed hat!? Perhaps a log cabin jacket to go with it??? OK, I promise to stop now. Thanks so much for visiting.


  3. Pingback: Tu-Na Quilts: Wish Upon A Star Blog Hop Starts Today | Tu-Na Quilts, Travels, and Eats·

    • Mary, thanks so much. My eyesight has certainly taken a beating on this project!! Lots of tiny piecing is easy on middle-aged eyes! Best of luck on the giveaway.


  4. I have a lot of FQs, and I have them stored in an antique china cabinet. My scraps are a work in process. I started storing them by size, but I have decided they need to also be sorted by color. Right now it is all a mess, but this summer I need to set aside time and tackle the mess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hear you on setting aside time to tackle messes. I never seem to have enough time for that, but things are out of control in my studio. I would love to see your antique china cabinet filled with all that colored fabric. It makes me smile just thinking about it. Thanks so much for stopping by.


  5. I love your quilt! It is so pretty and fresh. I did watch the royal wedding. I got up early to watch it all. It was awesome! I love anything and everything to do with the royal family. Thanks!


    • Delaine, thanks for the kind comments. It was definitely a great day for royal watching, wasn’t it?


  6. I adore your “memory” quilt. The seven stars sure makes it extra special. Knowing my luck, I’d make a x star quilt and need to add another one. I don’t see any more grandchildren on the horizon, but I could have a new daughter-in-law and her kids some day. I guess I could add them via applique. As for scraps, I don’t have organized. They are just in bags and tubs in randomness. My son saw me putting some teeny scraps in a tub and commented that he would have thrown away what I kept – lots of the stuff. Well, I do a tiny bit of hand applique and I don’t want to have to buy a yard (that’s all some places will sell as a minimum) to get a small piece for a center of a flower or some small piece. I’ll also comment on the Royal Wedding. I adored the little bit that I saw of it. I think it’s a great bond for England and America. My paternal grandfather was from England so I’m partial. I went to England about four years ago and it was like going home without ever having been there. I’d love to go again.Thanks for sharing, the great job, and the inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Susan, my “boys” are not yet married so I can get away with the 7 stars. I’ll gladly make another quilt for each grandchild that arrives though. It’s so funny how your son would have tossed those tiny scraps. One man’s trash is another one’s treasure! I was born in Canada so I get that British fascination. Thanks so much for stopping by.


  7. First I have to say Congratulations on finishing a large quilt that consist of only 2″ squares!!! Beautiful colors. Now, answers to your questions.1. As of now all my scraps are either in plastic box put in as the small size it came off. Larger pieces get put back in the color assigned large plastic bin. I want to cut them down to 2.5″, 5″, and 2.5″ & 1-1.5 strips. FQ size + up leave. The next blog I read has a good pattern for 3″ blocks etc. What is best? 2. Yes I saw the wedding, it was long. Too much fuss given to a 2nd son. William would NEVER been allowed to marry a divorced American of mixed race. What I learned–they truly never ever expect Harry to be King. **Sorry to be long! Just need to say I Love the collection you choose as a gift. I really like them A LOT.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Love your name “princess” and obviously you would have opinions on the royal family…duh!! I agree with you that Harry is less likely to be judged for his “nontraditional” spouse. I watched seasons 1 and 2 of The Crown and it’s clear that times have changed regarding divorce. However, the “firm” isn’t going to embrace all things new and different. Thanks on congratulating me on the finished quilt. It does feel a little like I finished a mini-marathon. I would definitely prefer 3″ squares to 2″ if starting from scratch. The smaller pieces are best for projects like bags, pillows and things like that. Although, with plenty of 2″ pieces still in a jar, i’m probably crazy enough to do this again. Best of luck on the giveaway and I adore long comments…so thanks for visiting.


    • So bring on the scraps I suppose!! I must confess, that’s how I got started on my “little” quilt project. Thanks for stopping by.


  8. No organization really just a big bag. In the summer a group of us get together and sew strip quilt blocks all summer for charity. We just bring bags of scraps. Works for me. What wedding? I’m too busy.


    • One big bag sounds much easier than sorting. I love that idea of your summer strip group. That sounds like a lot of fun and strip quilts are so addictive and hard to stop! It’s good to be busy. Thanks for visiting.


  9. I try to cut up my scraps as I make them. Bonnie hunter has a great way to organize hers .I myself don’t like going as small as she does but I do do the 2 inch and 2 in half inch squares. And strips… love your scrappy quilt…I have done Bonnies wonky star quilt… was fun not fretting about matching up… happyness04431@yahoo.com


    • I agree that the matching of seams and corners is more stressful than fun! Thank you for the kind comment about my quilt. I can assure you that my squares are not so perfect but it is done. I must read more about Bonnie hunter.


  10. 7 stars, what a lovely way to involve your family, a rainbow of colours too.Yes, I watched all the Royal Wedding, Meghan looked so happy, Harry was overwhelmed, Doria elegant and so proud, the Queen didn’t smile. Kate eyed Camilla,, and Charles ( Pa) stepped up as an escort, and then took Doria by the hand, The best part, as the two boys held that beautiful veil train as Meghan walked up the steps. My scraps, yes they go by colour in zip bags in a huge box, and every little scrap of Batik is saved, as that is so expensive down here in New Zealand.


    • Well New Zealand has always been one of my fantasy vacation spots. If I ever make it there I’ll have to bring you some batiks!! From your comments about the royals I assume you are part of the commonwealth. (Sorry but I never remember all the countries.) I was honestly never such a prince Charles fan but after the wedding, he scored a few extra points in my book. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit.


  11. Wow are you ever popular. I organize by color, in large translucent platic bins. The little pieces are in zip loc bags inside the bins, all color coordinated. Sometimes there are theme prints together, Your star quilt is inspired!


    • Thank you so much. The ziploc bag idea is a good one and then it’s all in one color box. I’m not so popular but giveaways are certainly a draw!!! I could give fabric away every week and still have too much!!!


  12. What a wonderful quilt! Thank you for participating in the hop – otherwise I might not have found you 🙂 I did watch the Royal Wedding, and thought it was beautiful. The bride and groom looked so very happy, I really hope their love for each other lasts through the trials they will go through.


    • I had never watched suits or heard of her before all this. May they make it work indeed. I love carol’s blog hops so much. I can’t do them all but I try. And Thank YOU for finding me!!


  13. That’s a gorgeous quilt and I’m so fond of all your colors and how you organized them. What a sweet way to incorporate the stars. I’ve been trying to cut my scraps up at the end of a project and then I put them into plastic shoe boxes. I’ve been noticing that I’m running of room with some of the sizes – like 2 1/2″ strips. What to do…what to do…??


    • Oh yes, what to do indeed.!? This rainbow quilt did make a dent in some of my scrap boxes but it never ends does it? I’ll have to make 50 more of these to use up all the bins!!! Thanks for stopping by and leaving me compliments.


  14. I definitely celebrate Christmas! That’s a lovely combination of fabrics, so thanks for giving me a chance to win it. I didn’t watch the royal wedding – not interested enough. However, I do have scraps galore. Sometimes I organize them, and sometimes I don’t. I usually cut 2.5″ squares, because I use tons of them. Anything between 2 and 2.5 goes to a friend who uses lots of 2″ squares, but I don’t cut them for her! She gets the fun of that herself. =) Smaller than that goes in a big shoe box for vortex parts, or strips for wonky log cabins and squares in squares.

    I love your quilt and the setting you used, and I can see a quilt like this in my future. I’ve wanted to make some wonky star blocks for years, and haven’t gotten around to it. I don’t organize by color specifically, though now and then I go through the box and put similar colors together. I definitely have a cutting session coming up. Other sizes I use are 3.5″ and 4″ squares for churn dash parts. That’s about it for pre-cutting!


    • Your friend is lucky to be the recipient of your smallish scraps. Churn dash designs are something I haven’t tried yet, or at least I don’t remember making them. When you mention vortex parts that sounds very intriguing. I loved hearing about the different designs that we quilters can favor. Best of luck on the giveaway. I’m so glad to be giving fabric away for a change instead of adding more and more and more…

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the kind words. I also love a scrappy quilt most of all. Most of us tend to organize scraps by size. I just read an interesting post by a quilter who made a “millennial quilt.” Apparently it involved swapping scraps of a certain size with a bunch of different quilters via the mail. Each quilter used hundreds of others’ scraps for their milennial quilt. A big undertaking but sounds cool.


    • Thank you so much for the kind comments. I think those plastic shoe boxes have a multitude of purposes!


  15. Your quilt is wow! I have my scraps organized in strips, and squares 1 inch, 1 1/2 inch, 2 inch, 2 1/2 inch


    • One inch scrappy squares!? Omg what do you use those for? You must have the patience of a saint!! ?? I would gladly give away my tinier scraps just to see how you pull them together!!


  16. i love your quilt, great rainbow effect! when i finish a project i cut my scraps into strips and squares 1.5″, 2.5″, and squares only 2″. i use bonnie hunter’s leaders and enders technique for piecing scraps.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do the exact same thing! I need to read more about Bonnie’s method. I always wanted to start Enders or leaders but I’m just not that disciplined! Thanks so much for visiting.


    • Barbara, I’ve got a red strip quilt in my head. I’ve also been cutting strips to get ready for it. One quilt finished and another 5 in my head!!! You know what I mean right? Thanks so much for visitng.


  17. Organization is a challenge but I keep 2″ & 2 1/2″ squares in a couple shoe boxes, 4″ & 5″ leftover scraps/novelties in a basket and two shoe boxes all waiting their turn.


    • Rosalind, Thanks for dropping in to my blog. I keep reading about shoe boxes. I bet our ancestors would have used that same system if they could have.


  18. My scraps are all in a drawer- one big jumble. I’m not sure I have enough to sort into any sort of order yet but I would like to try the Wonky Star pattern


    • The Wonky stars are so fun! If you get a chance, check out other tutorials at Wombatquilts.com. She has a lot of great patterns to try out.


    • Velda, let’s here it for Canada!! I have not been a fan of any particular Royal, but I do remember loving Diana’s wedding. We all know how that turned out. Best of luck on the giveaway.


    • Lisa, Thanks so much for the wonderful comment. Again with the shoe boxes that have a million uses. I did find a stack of 5″ squares that I must have cut at one point. I don’t recall if it was for a particular project or not. I may have dipped into that for this quilt. It turns out that purple and red colors that I least had in my stash.


  19. Your quilt is amazing! Love that you used all your scraps like that. I try to cut my scraps as I go – and then they go into labeled containers of 2″, 2.5″, etc, etc 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for visiting. I think we all seem to start with 2″ squares. I’m really crazy with keeping 1.5″ as well. I need to have my head examined.


  20. I toss my scraps in a box, no organization here. When I’m in an improv mood, I pick from the box and start sewing. I will toss a piece back if it’s the same as the one I just sewed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love a good scrappy improv quilt. That sounds like a great method for when something freeform is on your mind.


  21. Beautiful quilt! I can’t believe those are all scraps! I need to do more about organizing my scraps. Right now, I have some in boxes according to the quilt I made with them, and some 2″, 2-1/2″, and 1-1/2″ strips separated, plus some squares boxed according to sizes. But I have a lot of scraps in piles and boxes that I never got around to doing anything with…yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sharon, I am like you, piles and boxes…but it’s time to see the floor again!!! I read a post last night about prewashing fabric and thought…what about my already-cut scraps!!? The stress of it all makes me want to shake my head. If we only had more time in the day…we could just make more scraps, right!??


  22. wow your quilt turned out gorgeous. i love what the stars stand for. perfect. I organize my precut fabrics by color. and any that i cut to size (2 in. 2 1/2 in. 3 in up to 4 in)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Lori, thanks so much for the compliment. I admit that my husband first counted the stars, but thank you. I often use the numbers 5 or 7 in projects and that’s the subconscious working even when we’re unaware. I like to see that I”m not the only one saving 2″ squares. They are a lovely little size, until you decide to make an entire quilt of them!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • you are so right about the 2 inch squares. I recently took a lot and made a 40 x 40 baby quilt. i turned them into a bunny for a new great niece. wow that was ambitious of me. LOL but it turned out wonderful and my niece loved it. have a lovely day

        Liked by 1 person

      • the only way i could send a picture was by replying to the email that your comment came in. Hope you got it


  23. Beautiful quilt! Wonderful memories of a star for each family member. I don’t know how you had time to get it all done. Unfortunately, my scraps are not organized. Some have made it as far as my stackable drawers or clear shoeboxes. Others are thrown willy-nilly all over my sewing area. Something for me to work on, I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sherry, I am not a neat person, but I try. I’ve been working to clean up my “studio” while working on this quilt and it’s been a lesson in futility. Scrap quilts just don’t encourage neatness I’m afraid! I have some stackable containers for scraps and they are definitely less overflowing now, but far from empty. Scraps just multiply like bunnies, right!? Thanks so much for stopping by.


  24. WOW… what a wonderful package you got together. This hop has really given me a bunch of ideas. I have the “GO” cutter and when I have scrapes left from a project I usually cut them into squares or stripes depending the size of the scrap. Thanks for the fun.

    Liked by 1 person

    • One day I would love a Go cutter because it not only is easier, but it makes for perfect measurements. I would likeT to think that being more precise would improve my piecing! LOL! Thanks so much for stopping by.


    • Joan, Thanks so much. If you go digging, just keep them bigger than my crazy 2 inches! I do love how this came out and it’s one that I’m going to keep for myself. I’m sure i’ll make another one, eventually, but I admit that it may be awhile!


  25. Wonderful quilt, don’t know if I would have the patience for all those tiny squares even though they have an awesome look once completed. I sort my scraps pretty much not at all. The only thing I sometimes do is bag scraps from HST. I also wasn’t much interested in the wedding. Only saw what was on the news.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I admit to reading a lot about the wedding. I’m not sure why I cared all that much. Maybe it’s because I was born in Canada and still have that thing for the monarchy? Oh well, still…the world needs more celebrations and less battles, that’s for sure! I have some scraps from HST’s also, but they rarely get used. Sometimes I feel as though my whole studio is just one big room of scraps!! I usually don’t have patience for projects like this, but I pulled it off this time. Admittedly, it’s only a lap quilt size!


  26. Gorgeous quilt. I really love it. I use the Bonnie Hunter scrap system and have a tub of fabric ready now to sort and cut into useable sizes for me. Thanks for sharing


    • I have come to discover Bonnie Hunter so much later than everyone else. I should reread her system because I am looking for more ideas. My scraps system is Ok, but not nearly what it should be. OF course, before I learn a new system, I must straighten up what I already have!! Thanks so much for visiting.


  27. Wow, your quilt is amazing!! I love the way the border coordinates with the color scheme. I’ve recently purchased an organizer with rainbow colored drawers and put very small scraps (for collage and art quilting) into the appropriate colored drawer. Then there are the totes…batik scraps in one, novelty print scraps in another, another with blender scraps, oh and the stacking, wheely thing with orphan blocks and tulle, and, and…(grin)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Deb, I have a similar system but not the pretty colored drawers. I have scraps coordinated by color and then bins with just novelty fabrics, flannel fabrics etc. I used to think I was organized but now it’s out of control with piles here and there. I’m in the midst of a clean out and I knew that a giveaway would be a good thing for me to purge “a little of” what I don’t use! Thanks so much for visiting my humble blog.


    • I love seeing all the color sorted bins. That’s where I get my inspiration for these “tedious” projects! Thanks so much for visiting.


    • You sound so organized…if only I was that specific. I keep scraps that are 1.5″ or larger so that I can fill my bin of tiny squares. Yes, I am working on a project using those scraps…because I am definitely “crazy”!!


  28. This quilt is stunning, amazing, and I want to keep adding words of awesomeness, but it would take all day. Elana, you totally rocked with this star quilt! All those little squares would have sent me running, but your perseverance created a stunning quilt. I love it! Thank you for starring in the blog hop and sharing this work of art. :O)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Carol, Thank you for making me push through and complete this. It began as an idea for a tote bag, then became a baby quilt size. My eldest son’s convinced me to push on and make it a lap quilt size and I’m glad for his input! If I’m being totally honest, it never would have been completed without your blog hop deadline looming…so thank you so very much! I truly have enjoyed your blog challenges and will jump on board again when I can.


  29. I love your rainbow quilt with all the memories and family stars stitched into it. I have mainly some strips and squares that I use for leaders and enders. I wish I had organized by color. they ate wildly crazy and will make postage stamp quilts or placemats. I wasn’t able to watch the wedding live, but I taped a 2 hour program and watched it yesterday while piecing a top. Meagan and Harry are a sweet couple and are keeping Princess Diana’s traditions of caring for others less fortunate and giving them a voice. I wish them a lifetime of love, caring and sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I haven’t watched any programs on the wedding but that sounds fun. Diana would be so proud of her “boys”! I need to do more leaders and enders projects with these scraps of mine. I’m sure I could make some serious progress if I could just get disciplined! Thanks for visiting.


  30. I watched the royal wedding and thoroughly enjoyed it. Wasn’t that cellist marvellous! I store my scraps in salad boxes according to size – squares and strips. I love your rainbow wonky star quilt and that the seven stars represent your family. Well done! And congrats on sticking with it through the tediousness. It is well worth it. Janice.snell@gmail.com

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just watched the cellist last night and saw a story about his entire musical family. He’s amazing and what a platform he has had with the wedding! Careers can only get further with exposure like this! Thanks for the pat on the back about the tediousness. Yes, I’m proud of myself for finishing it but I really send the credit to Carol for hosting the blog hop. Without a deadline, this never would have happened!


  31. Your quilt is really spectacular! I love how you put the stars in it. I have my scraps in bins by size and as strips and squares.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OOh, the strips. Yes, I forgot that I have boxes of those too. It’s just “a little” out of control don’t you think!? Thanks for the compliments. I love this quilt and especially like that I’ve decided to keep it here at home. Most of my favorites have been donated elsewhere, but this is a keeper.


    • Thanks so much. I like that “rainbowy” description. The whites are scraps as well. It all gets used…or at least that’s what I like to tell myself!


  32. Good Morning,
    WOWEE – what a fabulous quilt, all made from wonderful memories from other projects. This is like a free quilt! I love the idea of the seven wonky stars, and that you for sharing the tutorial for them. I also enjoy the layout of your fabric colors – you did a fab job taking photos without an official holder. I use my phone all the time for photos – I’m not a professional photographer! You are very generous, giving away all that fabric. I did not watch the royal wedding other than what I saw on the news, etc. I do cut my scraps into 2.5″ squares though. I had to restart a new pile of them because my first good stack somehow disappeared. I hope it reappears soon! Happy Wednesday! ~smile~ Roseanne

    Liked by 1 person

    • Roseanne, isn’t it hilarious how we can lose bunches of scraps? I also have some larger squares cut up and ready to go, but I can’t find them anywhere. I’m long overdue to clean up my studio and perhaps they’ll be under a pile somewhere. Quilts like this do not encourage neatness, that’s for sure!! I don’t mind using my Iphone but I have a fabulous camera and just lost the card for the moment. (Time to clean my desk too!!) Thanks so much for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  33. OH wow!! Your quilt is gorgeous…sunny, cheerful…love it. I have stackable drawers for my scraps, and eventually get to use them. But I am bad about it. Thanks of the giveaway


    • I have thought about moving towards stackable drawers for my overflowing scraps. However, I decided that there are no more purchasing happening until I sort through the mess of piles already in the room! Good luck in the giveaway!


  34. I save all my scraps because I like to foundation paper piece and can use up all the little bits and pieces. I loved the wedding. I loved the traditional touches along with her American touches. She’ll be a wonderful princess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I adore paper piecing and yes, those scraps are heaven for such projects. An American Princess is just the perfect title for a novel, though i’m sure it’s been done before. I wish the couple well and as I said before, the world needs more celebrations and less strife. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog post.


  35. I can only imagine sewing all those scraps together, but I love the effect with the stars! I have my scraps organized by size ie: 2”, 2 1/2”, 5” squares and strips from 1 1/2” to 2 1/2”.


    • Cindy, Just don’t look too closely at my uneven squares and mismatched corners. A finished quilt is better than one that is unfinished. Now, it’s quilters who make perfect points that really make me shake my head in wonder!! I had forgotten about the strips…that’s another bunch of scraps I have been keeping also. Ugh! They multiply overnight!! Thanks so much for visiting.


  36. WoW, I love this, the rainbow effect of your quilt with the stars and each representing a member of your family… Just lovely… since I’d like the chance to win… hmmm I have to admit, I usually trash my scraps if I can’t find someone to take them… I do save them to a point and if I don’t make a pillow or something I can stuff them into, they go bye-bye into the trash bin. I know I’m going to get thrashed for being honest, but I really don’t like having all the scraps laying around.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I certainly won’t “trash” you for tossing scraps, but I used to do that too. Since keeping them in color-coded bins, or one big container, I have enjoyed making many scrap quilts just using those bits and pieces. We all have our own threshold for what we can keep. Sometimes I do wish that I was able to “trash” more things out the door and keep less clutter! Thanks for stopping by the blog and aren’t blog hops so fun!?


  37. I love the way the stars really stand out on your quilt. I’m usually a very organized person, but when it comes to fabric, I can’t keep up with organization. I try to keep them in separate bags according to color, but that doesn’t work out too well. O’m finding it takes more time to sort them than is worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, sorting our scraps could be a part-time job for sure!! I don’t have a neat system and certainly am not consistent…but I like to pretend that I am! Thanks for visiting.


  38. First of all, I love your quilt ! It is a real scrappy beauty, I separate my scraps by cutting strips, and 2 inch and 3 inch squares in plastic boxes…but I am overwhelmed, and need to get sewing !
    Thanks for the giveaway !

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know that if I sewed every day, I would just create more scraps and more scraps. It doesn’t end. However, using them in projects is so satisfying. I’m glad this quilt is done, until I start the actual quilting part…. thanks for stopping by and good luck on the giveaway.


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